Saturday, September 25, 2010

Poster on exam tips

How to deal with exam stress pic 1
Good afternoon to you all!! =)

Thanks to our lovely teacher in-charge, we had posted a poster on how to deal with exam stress! =)
 There are some good study tips and breathing exercises that are useful in managing the anxiety you may feel for the Alevels =) I personally feel that the "Stay calm and Stay focused" part particularly useful when i was doing my Alevels =)

I know that many JC2 had finished the prelims!!! YAH!! You all can relax and celebrate for a while since everyone needs a break here and then... so take this time to relax.. because once the results are released...... =/

SO RELAX RELAX NOW =D give yourself a well-deserved break! =D

Cheers ^^

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Testimontial from seniors coming up sooon!!!

Hey guys! =D

HELP is on the way for current Meridians who are taking the ALEVELS in less than 2 months!!!

The next few posts will be dedicated to study tactics and subjects' advices from past Meridians who have been through the torture and pain of the Alevels! XD We will be providing on OUR tactics on how to survive the Alevels and some study tips that we use when we were taking the As... (bad memory *shivers*)

A note to all current JC2 Meridians! ALL the BEST FOR ALEVELS!!! =D it will be over soon =)

TO all JC1 Meridians! ALL the BEST FOR THE PROMO!!! =D =D

Cheers ^^

Friday, September 17, 2010

The beginning

This is our first post on this blog.

Basically, this blog aims to provide some help and support to current Meridian Junior College students on how to deal with stress from the coming examinations. We will be updating some websites on relaxation tactics, time management and many more. Besides that, we, as alumni, will be provide some personal testimontials on how WE deal with the stress, rigor and the torture of the Alevels.

Hope you guys will be looking forward to it =)

Alumni <3